What a memorable weekend we hd at the Swiss double CACIB show in Aarau!! I'm so so proud of the dogs who handled the hot tmperatures so well and gave there best to shine in the ring! <3
24.06.2017 CACIB Aarau (CH)
Flatcoated Retriever (Sjoerd Jobse, SE):
- Almanza Secret Of Success- "Tian" Exc1, jCAC, jBOB, BEST OF BREED, JUNIOR BIS-3!!
- Camwood Zancho Copper Friend- "Zancho" vg1
- Ch. Sweet Macchiato Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury- "Mitch" Exc2, resCAC, resCACIB
- jCh. InterCh. Ch. Camwood Well Done- "Donna" Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BEST OF OPPOSITE!
Golden Retriever (Henric Fryckstrand, SE):
- Lozung All Eyes On Me- "Flynn" Exc1, CAC, resCACIB
- jCh. Ch. Xanthos Nimbus- "Dancer" Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BEST OF OPPOSITE = NEW SWISS CHAMPION*!!
25.06.2017 CACIB Aarau (CH)
Flatcoated Retriever (Henric Fryckstrand, SE):
- Almanza Secret Of Success- "Tian" Exc1, jCAC, jBOB, BEST OF BREED, BEST IN GROUP-3, BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW!!!
- Ch. Sweet Macchiato Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury- "Mitch" Exc1, CAC, CACIB = NEW INTERNATIONAL SHOW CHAMPION*!!!
- jCh. InterCh. Ch. Camwood Well Done- "Donna" Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BEST OF OPPOSITE!
- jCh. MultiCh. InterCh. MultiVetCh. Twilight Star's Part Of My Life- "Tosca" vg :)
Golden Retriever (Sjoerd Jobse, SE):
- Lozung All Eyes On Me- "Flynn" Exc2, resCAC
- jCh. Ch. Xanthos Nimbus- "Dancer" Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BEST OF OPPOSITE!!